

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The future of UltraBot #1: JSON parsing

 While procrastinating on my Sonic 3 & Knuckles review, I would like to introduce multiple new commands using APIs and JSON parsing!

I recently discovered that BDScript has the ability to parse JSON and then extract the key values into a message, which means APIs!

This uses BDScript 2 only. After performing a GET command on a URL (in the form of $httpGet[]) you can recieve text from there and since that text is usually JSON, you use $jsonParse to parse that code, which gives you access to the JSON keys which you can extract data from to use in a bot response. This is how most public APIs work and I'm constantly making new commands in UltraBot thanks to them. I always take that data and wrap it up in a neat functional little embed.

So, I'm starting something new. If there is a specific API you want (that does not require any API keys and is free and public) tell me and I'll do my best to implement it into UltraBot X!

The new commands for UltraBot X is:

/meme (use -meme if the slash command doesn't appear)

/dog (random dog image)

/jojostands (random jojo stand)

/jojocharacters (random jojo character)

I am definetely going to use way too many of these in the future, so get excited!


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The future of CombineBot #3: A potential switch to discord.js

 Hey guys. First of all, I know I haven't been posting here in a while, and I apologize but there hasn't been anything huge going on...

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