

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sonic the Hedgehog CD (1993) Review

 So, just so you know, these aren't gonna be professional reviews. I want to simply give my thoughts out on these games and why I like/dislike them. With that in mind, welcome to my second Sonic Review, for Sonic CD from 1993!I know it's a bit strange to do this game before the obvious true sequel but I intend to do these games in chronological order and what makes sense to me, so we're doing CD first.Some Background InfoSonic the Hedgehog CD (often called Sonic CD) is a 2D platformer game released for the Sega CD add-on to the Genesis released on September 23rd, 1993. As Sonic had already gained his success on the Genesis with Sonic 1 and...

Friday, February 23, 2024

Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) Review

So, just so you know, these aren't gonna be professional reviews. I want to simply give my thoughts out on these games and why I like/dislike them. With that in mind, welcome to my first Sonic Review, for Sonic the Hedgehog from 1991!Some Background InfoSonic the Hedgehog is a 2D platformer game released for the Sega Genesis on June 23rd, 1991. At the time, Nintendo had an iron grip over the entire industry, and Sega was the first of many to break that with this game. Sonic was created with the intent of giving a cool hip mascot for all the 90s kids to rival Mario. And I would say Sonic and his wonderful character design achieve that greatly....

Welcome back! + UltraBot

 Alright, so it has been a long time since I posted anything here, and I apologize for that. However, none of this was my fault or me being lazy. My friend Damien (who goes online by AlphaGameDev) ran the old site for me and has been recently encountering server issues, so the site is broken. I don't know how long it will remain like this, but until it's fixed I'm posting on here.A lot has happened in the 2 months I've been gone. Most importantly, I would like to reveal UltraBot to the world! UltraBot is a discord bot that I started back in December and has over 100+ commands and is the ultimate multi-purpose bot with plenty of commands for moderation and fun, and he's being updated almost every day!To invite him to your server, you need to invite UltraBot and UltraBot X to your server....
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The future of CombineBot #3: A potential switch to discord.js

 Hey guys. First of all, I know I haven't been posting here in a while, and I apologize but there hasn't been anything huge going on...

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